Tony said my blog needs a happy post... Admittedly, I have been a bit reflective lately. God is teaching me a lot. It seems I learn best through struggle... Maybe I should work on that!
Brayden and I snuck out of the sick ward today to run a 5K. In the last couple of years we have all made an effort to work on our overall health, and running has become something that all 4 of us (and whoever else happens to live here at the time) really enjoy. I'm generally unathletic and uncoordinated, but I have learned to really enjoy pounding the pavement. It has put a whole new perspective on all the running verses in the Bible, and it's given me a whole new outlook on "running the race" of the Christian life. Plus, where else can you go and spend an hour having people cheer for you?
Today was perfect weather, a perfect event, and perfect one on one time with my boy. He was so confident and so silly... two of my favorite character traits. We laughed and played and visited with friends.
We decided we would wear the same shirts that we had received at a race earlier this year...
...Anyone see the irony? I sure didn't, but when Tony pointed out to me that we looked like a fast food restaurant show-down I couldn't stop laughing.
Now that there are so many little kiddos in the house, I am very grateful for time alone with each of them. I'm so thankful for a wonderful afternoon with my little guy.
It was so refreshing to be full of joy...
"But may the righteous be glad
and rejoice before God;
may they be happy and joyful." - Psalm 68:3
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